Augusta's Premier Estate Auctions & Estate Sales
Serving Augusta GA., North Augusta, Aiken Sc. & the surrounding CSRA
Licensed in Georgia & Scouth Carolina , GAL-2994 - SCL-4856
Contact us at: 706-414-3267 - Henrybrothersauction@gmail.com
Estate Auctions & Estate Sales in Augusta GA. Aiken SC & CSRA
Estate Auction Consignments
Consigning to our auction house is a great way to sell a large or small amount of merchandise in a short amount of time. We can sell your entire estate or sell your individual items. We can pick everything up for your, or you can bring it to us. Before the auction we catalog, display and advertise everything to be sold. The day of the auction buyers register to bid, and they compete to buy your merchandise. The highest bidder wins. After the auction is over the seller receives itemized tickets for every item sold, and receives a check minus our commission. We also buy partial or entire estates. If the auction format is not right for you ask us about our estate sales service. We are located in downtown Augusta, GA. If you have any questions regarding how our estate auctions or estate sales work feel free to call or send us a email. If you need immediate assistance call us at 706 -414-3267.
What kind of Estate consignments do we accept?
At our estate auction house we specialize in antiques, but sell almost anything including new furniture, smalls and more. If its brand new or 200 years old we can sell it, age does not matter. As long as your items have some quality to them and some value we can sell them. If you have any questions regarding consigning merchandise to our auction house feel free to contact us by phone or email. Phone - (706) 414-3267